Hi there. I hope you’re doing well. I know it’s been a while, but life happens. I’m feeling a bit better about my decision to release the first book of the series, as well as to NOT release the other books yet. But I do have something to confess. More and more as the days, weeks, and months pass, I get the feeling the world isn’t ready for this.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m still putting the whole series out there. I have to. It’s just, the more I see and hear, the more I believe people aren’t ready. Of course, no one will even know what I’m talking about until sometime in book five… book three might give them pause and make them think about some things, but book five is when they’re gonna really start examining what they’ve read – and how it impacts them personally. That’s when the anger will come. There’s nothing I can do about that. People will experience the story in whatever way they’re able. Some are more advanced than others and that will play a major role in how the story affects them. As Tobin says, “This is how it must be.” Whether you’re a scholar or just your average Joe/Joan, there’s one thing I know for certain: if you read this story – the entire story – your life will be changed. It sounds insane, but I’ve seen it happen. Not only has my own life changed because of it, but those who know the full story have changed because of it. Not everyone has experienced positive changes, but again… some people are simply more advanced than others – mentally and spiritually-speaking, I mean. Either way, we’re all out here fumbling around in the dark trying to figure out this thing we’ve come to know as life. Whether you’re pretty confident in your idea of who and what you are, why you’re here, how and why all this came to be, and what’s going to happen next, or you have absolutely no clue about any of it and you’re just doing your best to hang on and keep your head above water… isn’t there the slightest chance – even just a little – that someone like me might have an idea you’ve never heard? A little about me: I figure I’m one of the dumbest smart people in the whole world, if I’m being honest. Computers stymie me. I don’t get social media. I prefer face-to-face conversations. I like hanging out with a big group of friends who accept me as who and what I am and who’ll listen to my whacked-out ideas about the world without judging me – at least, not too harshly. In my first go-round in college, I majored in foreign languages. In my second, neuroscience. I’m shy around strangers, but very open and happy and an A-type personality around people I know. Most of all, I crave contact with others. I am a very social being, but it’s the feel of others I crave. I don’t mean touching others physically so much as I mean feeling them – their presence. Does that make sense? But it seems to me that the whole world has forgotten that part of life, or that it’s actively working on forgetting it. That’s one of the reasons I don’t think people are ready for this story. I hope I’m wrong, because I have to put the story out there. I don’t have a choice. Believe me, I’ve tried not to and it ripped my world apart and nearly killed me. It takes her a while, folks, but eventually she learns. So out the story goes to the world. I don’t know how many – if any – people will choose to read it. And I really don’t know how many – and again, if any – will choose to take the full journey by reading it all the way through to the end of book seven, but the powers that be have decided the story is to be given to the world. Who am I to deny them / it whatever? If what you’ve read herein has intrigued you – even in the slightest way – I hope you’ll take a chance on this unknown author and start what I guarantee will be one of the most interesting journeys – if not the most self-defining journey – of your life. The paperback and ebook can be found on Amazon.com at this link: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_16?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=awakening+by+teagan+brody&sprefix=awakening+by+tea%2Caps%2C164&crid=Y1GQ7M944QN8. The ebook can also be found on Barnes and Nobles’ website at this link: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/awakening-teagan-brody/1125546156?ean=2940157526245. I’m working on getting both versions onto other sites so it becomes more widely available. But like I said earlier, computers stymie me and it takes me forever to figure out what to others seems very simple in the e-world. Forgive me my ignorance, please. And, with that, I bid you adieu. Thanks in advance for your support and I wish you the best day / night ever. Teagan
AuthorTeagan Brody is author of Sci-fi/Fantasy novels. Her writing helps guide the people of Earth toward a better future. Her most common expression is, "What would Thomas Shelby do?" Archives
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