Okay, so I know from the number of people checking in on the site each day that there are quite a few people anxious for this book to be available. But you must understand, I am a single mom who is still recovering from near death. Like most other indie authors out there, I also work full-time and have other responsibilities in my life.
Hey there, hi there, ho there! Lookie-lookie what I've got: I think this turned out great. I can't wait to get it out. Now comes the difficult part - getting the thing changed to all the different formats people want it in (i.e. physical book, eBook, Kindle, mobius, etc.).
I'll update the site as soon as I have news. I just thought I would share this exciting bit of news with you all. Let me know what you think. I'm always hungry for feedback! Hope everyone is having a great weekend and isn't sick from eating so much turkey! Teagan Just a quick note to keep people up to date. I've worked with the designer and we've got everything looking pretty great on the book cover. I have been fortunate enough to have found a very talented designer who was able to work with me on a full cover, so I'm hopeful that I'll be able to also release the book in physical form as well.
Just a quick update on the status of the first book. I've chosen the cover for the book and will now be working toward getting the eBook formatted correctly. I'll be releasing it in eBook only to begin with, but will eventually release a hard-copy version for all you die-hards out there. (I'm one, myself so please don't think I'm mocking anyone).
You know, I was just going over what I had written earlier about what it meant to be an American with my good friend Tobin and he pointed out to me that I wouldn't have this sense of pride were it not for our allies, the British. I know we started out this whole endeavor with the plan of opting out of the whole monarchy thing, but they've been our best allies and they've recently voted in a way that's hopefully going to be mirrored by our electoral process.
Anyway, Tobin pointed out that we had an obligation to vote for the difference rather than the same old same old if we wanted to really make a difference. I tend to agree. Look, you have to understand what is going on here. You understand what is going on here, right? Your vote is being courted and you must understand who is courting your vote and why. I don't pretend to be the most informed person out here, but I do believe you should do whatever is in your power to choose the candidate who most closely identifies with your own standards. Whether that be Democrat or Republican. That's up to you. However, as is mentioned In my previous entries, I will truly do my best to ensure that whomever is calling out to me is personified in my entries herein. I cannot reveal directly whom I am endorsing due to the unwritten rules of the whole literary world, but I believe anyone reading my blog entries would surely be able to tell. I wish you luck with your endeavors and I hope to speak with you soon. Teagan I just saw The Revenant. It reminded me a lot of Jeremiah Johnson. It also reminded me of what being an American meant. We fight for what we believe is right and we expect more of ourselves.
I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who are made of strong character and strong morals. But that's what America is all about. You have to work to be an American. You have to want it more than anything. The people who make it here are those who strive to be their best. It's not easy. It takes work, hard work. I think there are a lot of people out there who just don't understand what being an American means. Perhaps, I am wrong. Perhaps, there are plenty of people on there who work really hard and who believe they are owed something in this life? I don't know. I work hard. Yet, I do not expect anything I have not given from the world. To expect something of the world is to believe one has contributed to the world. Have you contributed anything to the world? What have you contributed? Be honest, if not with me, then at least be honest with yourself. Today, I saw a person make a pledge to a country to do certain things to help and protect that country. It made me feel proud to be an American, just listening to the speech. I think the world has forgotten what it felt like to have an exceptional standard for which it could strive. I want to be a part of that again. It was there when I was young., back when there was such a thing as American exceptionalism. I remember saluting as the veterans of wars gone by passed by my family in small-town parades. I remember what that swelling feeling of pride felt like as I watched the soldiers in their outdated uniforms pass by. I hope I never forget it. Those who take a knee during the playing or singing of our National Anthem cannot relate to me. I cannot be their target audience, for I would never disrespect those who have fought so hard for my freedoms. To those individuals and their families, I can only offer my heartfelt gratitude and sympathies for their sacrifices. You will forever be in my thoughts and I in your debt. Tobin and I have discussed this in great detail and, although I have several friends who are of different races, creeds and religions, I still cling to the belief that America is the one place where anyone - and I mean anyone - can achieve his or her goals. No matter where you come from, what your personal beliefs, your background or whatever, you can become whatever you choose here... as long as you're willing to work for it. I'm still working on getting my story out to you, the public. Hopefully, it will take no more than one or two weeks. I will keep the site updated. Thanks for your support and I hope you'll send any and all questions and comments to me, either through this website or through Twitter so I can respond. I do so enjoy hearing from you. Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Teagan Someone asked me today why I chose to write a fiction series about the history of everything. Was I just jumping on the Hawking train? (I wish! As far as I can tell, I have absolutely NO aptitude for physics.) And although I had already "seen" the entire core of the series from beginning to end prior to meeting Tobin the Star Child, much of what I've learned and realized since meeting this unlikely individual has helped the story evolve into what it is today.
Recently Tobin and I were involved in a deep philosophical discussion, which is what we normally end up doing when we get together. On this particular occasion, as is often the case, I was struck by something Tobin said. We were discussing the wide variety of people's thoughts on current events and Tobin said, "Everyone is at a different evolutionary stage, both in life and in their thought processes." I had never heard it put that way, but I think it's an accurate statement. When I was young - back when the dinosaurs still roamed the earth - we were taught to question everything and it's kind of stuck with me all these years. So when I "saw" the story the first time, I looked into things and was stunned by how few people now question what is being taught. I'm not calling out anyone who believes the things the story contradicts. Just a short while ago the most highly-educated individuals on Earth believed the earth was flat, that it was the center of the Universe, that the Sun orbited the earth, etc. Should anyone call out those people? Of course not. The technology of the time, or lack thereof, was why they believed those things. Today, newly-developed technologies have allowed us to discover hidden clues, never-before seen ancient archeological sites and more leading to a past possibly - if not probably - filled with evidence of visitations and possibly even interventions from intelligent beings NOT originally from Earth. Scientists have even surmised that there is at least one site where a nuclear explosion occurred... a nuclear explosion! And to paraphrase the late Carl Eagan, how flippin' arrogant we are that we would think ours is the only planet in the Universe with intelligent life! Before I'd met Tobin, the story I've written was just that... a story. But now that I've met this half-human half-not individual, the ideas and ideals in the story have become more. They're guideposts, scenarios asking, "What if...?" Why did I write this story? Simply put, I had to. I was compelled to write it. It became my life. And now it's pulled Tobin in. He's so enthusiastic about getting the story out to the people, about seeing it through and helping me and others to see how we can learn from it that I can't imagine it without him anymore. For me, he has become an integral part of it. And now for something new... I'll finally be making Book One of the ENLIGHTENMENT series available at some point in the next weeks. So if you've ever wondered how people came to be here, what happens when we die, why we're here, if aliens really exist and just what's in store for the human race next, then you should read the ENLIGHTENMENT series. But be forewarned: Once you learn a thing, you cannot UNlearn it. Don't say I didn't warn you! Thanks for reading and please feel free to post a question or comment here. You can't imagine how much I love hearing from people who believe the same things as I. Later Teagan Hello. Tobin here. I have stayed away for a while and now feel as if my new family of friends in human society might need my words.
Over the course of my life on this planet, as well as the part spent off -world, I only ever thought of the people on Earth as humans. Of course, I could see physical differences in each of you. The majority of you had different genetic births from different sources. By this, I mean that different global regions were controlled and manipulated by different off-world groups. Therefore, how could you not express physical differences depending on the region from which you hailed? But to judge each other almost as different species is irresponsible. Perhaps, I am better able to see you as what you are because I know, I have seen with my own eyes, the evidence of other intelligent life in the Universe? I wonder if that is what it will take for your society to finally understand that you are all part of the same whole. As I am new to your societysociety and have come to enjoy those I have come to know within it, I have no desire to see you destroy yourselves. This past week has shown me how fragile my new society is because of your propensity for violence due to your perceived differences and I would caution you against it. You obviously do not know you are being watched and that your future is very much on the line. I have lived on this planet much longer than you and I have the ability to contact others for extraction should I need it, so I do not fear for myself. I do fear for my friends and their loved ones. And honestly, I actually do care for the rest of human society. What will you do? This has happened before, you know... several times before, long ago before this current iteration was created and allowed to flourish. Just because you have not yet recovered the evidence to allow you to put together the pieces of your past does not mean it did not happen. Nor does it preclude you from falling victim to the same mistakes. However, I would urge you all to take a moment to contemplate the consequences of your actions before you act. Please heed my warning. You are being monitored each and every day. Your actions do have consequences and you will be held responsible. And it does not have to be this way. You must realize, however, that every step a person takes is his or her own responsibility and that no one else can force another to take that step. You each do it by your own volition. I hope you will choose wisely and learn to step cautiously from now on. I and others will be watching. Tobin Hello there! Tobin and Teagan here.
First, a few words from Tobin: I have been uncommonly busy these past few weeks with new friends in my life. I am finding living with a greater role in human society quite invigorating. In some ways, my life has greatly improved. I have become much more comfortable being in the company of humans, even strangers whom I have never before met. This certainly helps when I find myself in a room full of humans whom I do not know. In other ways, I find I miss the silences from my life before. There were times before my involvement with Teagan that I would sit and think for hours on end. I was very comfortable being alone and I rarely felt the need for companionship. Now, I find myself feeling what humans call "loneliness". Whenever I am alone, I crave companionship. I see things or hear things or even experience things I wish to share with someone I know. Were it not for my newest companion, I believe I might have gone quite mad because of this loneliness. She has shown me a lifestyle I rather like and I feel my time here on this planet has greatly improved because of her. Teagan has informed me she plans to continue with this blog and with the process of finishing writing and publishing the story she and I have worked on so long. As for me, however, I feel I must devote a bit more time to this new relationship. I would not wish to lose such an opportunity to experience what can be thought of as a privilege for every living soul in the Universe. Therefore, I shall not be contributing as much to the blog as I have in the past. I shall continue communicating with Teagan when I can, but I do not wish to tie myself to the blog as she and I have done in the past. For those of you who wish to know more, please send any questions or concerns regarding me or the things I have written herein to Teagan through the comments section of this blog. She will get your communiques to me and I shall respond in kind. Thank you for the time you have given me over this last year. Until next time, Tobin. Teagan here: Well, that's sad! But I'm happy for Tobin. It took me a while to come around to seeing the job he's bound to do here as something good. But I've seen it for what it is and I accept that. Again, I'm glad he's found a new life with his new friend and I wish them both the greatest happiness. Now, on to more important matters. I've just come off a long, long editing stint and in the process of fixing the issues my editor suggested needed fixing, I have discovered a few invaluable websites and bits of information that I believe would help any struggling authors out there. Believe me when I say that editors have a very lucrative business. After all, judging from the paperwork that comes home with my kid from school all the time, grammar is no longer taught in this country. That is, of course, a sweeping statement, which is surely exaggerated. Yes, it is. For there are many authors out there who are well-versed in the rules of grammar for the English language. However, every author needs a second or third pair of eyes to read over their work for any mistakes, omissions, or other issues and editing is one way of getting that done. But finding a good editor is not always an easy task and, with what editors charge these days, you'd best do your research before hiring one! I would suggest you contact your local reputable and legitimate writer's league or other writer's group for information on editing services their members recommend. Some may even be able to get by without paying for editing services and one site I would encourage authors to review is the Pitch Wars site. It's under www.brenda-drake.com. They're prepping for the next Pitch Wars competition, which opens the first week of August, and there are several sample edits contained therein. Read through each one of the edits! This is invaluable instruction for authors. I don't care how good you are, the words of advice out there will help any author see his or her work through new eyes. Next website is www.queryshark.com. Go there and read through the entire archive section. If you are a fiction writer, this is a must! Some other things you can look into are Query Tracker, Publisher's Marketplace and Preditors & Editors. Just google them and you'll be able to get what you need. You don't have to subscribe to these, but you might not get as much out of Publisher's Marketplace if you don't. Also, the AAR (Association of Authors' Representatives, Inc. - www.aaronline.org) is a great place to do research on literary agents. Finally, if that's not enough to keep you busy for the next bajillion years, you should visit the #MSWL (Manuscript Wish List). This will inform you of what types of manuscripts Literary Agents and Editors are currently seeking. All of this is available online for anyone who has internet access and YOU SHOULD USE IT! I, myself, am a big believer in going to writers' conferences, as I'm older and I prefer the face-to-face pitch process. They're great options for classes and informational booths for everything literary. I'll be attending the Agents & Editors Conference later this month in Austin and I can't wait! My manuscript is complete and freshly edited and I can't wait for my shot at impressing those agents. I'll definitely keep the blog updated so my fellow authors can share in either my complete elation or my abject misery (don't want to even go there). Who knows? I may even see some of you there. Hope so! Well, that's it for today. I hope I've managed to impart some useful information to you and that you are able to move ahead with your manuscript a bit more easily because of it. Until next time, I hope your today is wonderful and that your tomorrow is your best day ever! Sincerely, Teagan Just a quick note to wish my good friend Preston a happy birthday. You're such a great person. I've always enjoyed our conversations and you've enhanced my life more than you'll ever know.
Happy Birthday, my friend! Teagan |
AuthorTeagan Brody is author of Sci-fi/Fantasy novels. Her writing helps guide the people of Earth toward a better future. Her most common expression is, "What would Thomas Shelby do?" Archives
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