Hello. Tobin here. My friend Teagan has been away working for the last month and has not had an opportunity to write. I have been out of town, myself. We have now returned.
Finally, FUGUE is out. Check it out at this link: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=fugue+by+teagan+brody. Life! It interferes (no, intercedes) in the most interesting ways. I know, I've only got it out in print and only on Amazon. But, hey! Who's doing this? That's right. It's me and I'm gonna celebrate every single step in this journey toward having the whole series out. Tobin says these things are important and I agree. After all, he's been around much longer than I. That ought to count for something. So now I'm on to prepping book three, AWARENESS, for release (hopefully, in December 2017). This one's tricky because it completely switches focus. It takes place during the same time frame, but from a completely different point of view and with a whole host of new characters. This is where Tobin's story is truly revealed. He's so excited! I'm excited! But I guess we'll all just have to wait until I can get all the editing done. Ah, well. C'est la guerre! Check out the new book and I'll keep you all posted on book three news. And if you're new to this story, welcome! You have no idea how your life is about to change. But change it will. Teagan Hi there! I know. I'm late. I underestimated how long the editing/"fixing" stage would take. Yes, this is what Tobin meant when he called me a "Tweaker" in his last post. I admit it. I am a tweaker. I'm not ashamed. I just know what I want the manuscript to be and I refuse to publish it before it's ready. That being said, I will tell you it's almost ready. In fact, check out what IS ready, thanks to the best graphic design artist in the world: I have to hand it to my graphic artist. This is exactly what I was looking for. It fit in perfectly with the book.
I know you've all been checking in to see when FUGUE will be released and I promise I'll get more out to you guys as soon as I know the release date. In the meantime, duty calls. Hope you all have a great day and a tremendous week. Thanks for reading and, as always, please feel free to tweet or facebook me with your questions and comments. You know I can't live without them. Teagan Hello world.
Tobin here. I have been away a while, but have recently returned to discover that Teagan has not yet released book two of the Enlightenment series. When I asked about the reason for this, I actually learned a new word: Tweaker. To understand, you must realize that the whole of the Enlightenment series has been complete for some time now. Teagan, however, does not feel satisfied with the books in their current form. She claims she is "tweaking" them. I have seen each manuscript and, although my reading skills are not the best, I do not see the difficulties she claims each script has. But I can tell you this: FUGUE, book two of the Enlightenment series, will be released no later than the end of the first week of July 2017. Teagan has assured me of this and now I am assuring you. To whet your appetite, I have included below what Teagan calls "a little blurb" about the book: FUGUE: Book Two of the Enlightenment Series A full day of interrogation has ended and the stranded Samarean still have no idea how to get back to the war front to help their people. Joss Tobin, the half-human Star Child who is helping them to understand what happened to separate their small contingency from the battlefield, has thus far told them nothing of value and the Samarean interrogator, Jarba, is quickly losing patience. Yes, his story of the Lorim was shocking. But Jarba needs something more than mere fantasy. If her people are to survive, she needs facts and she needs them now! As the second day of interrogation begins, Jarba realizes her desire for information is not the only thing controlling the halfling’s fate. Tobin is in his own race against time as his body begins to betray him. And the only one who can save him is his mate, his Jess. But the young Star Child is already too powerful on his own. To allow the Joss access to his Jess would surely spell certain doom for the Samarean, if the old tales are to be believed. In this, their most desperate hour, the interrogator cannot risk such a dangerous move. As Tobin’s story unfolds, the Samarean Prince mysteriously begins trials of his own. With worry and fear for her people plaguing her mind, Jarba can only hope something in Tobin’s words will end the Prince’s fugue and save her people. I hope you have enjoyed this brief glimpse of the new book and that you will email or tweet Teagan - or me - your thoughts on it. Thank you, Tobin Hi there. It's been a little while, I know. Been working. Sometimes, it feels like that's all I ever do. Life gets pretty stressful sometimes. But then again, my stress is nothing compared to that of soldiers on the front lines or immigrants or starving people or people dying of painful diseases, etc. I know. Whiny.
That's not really what I came here to discuss tonight. I know I'm blessed. I don't have a lot of material things, but I've been blessed with riches no one can ever take from me: a loving family, a pretty miraculous friend, and the security of my faith. And today, I was humbled by how very much I'm protected by that faith. It was a difficult day. It started out with me wondering how I was going to stretch the few drops of fuel left in my tank until my next payday. Then I had an emergency family issue creep up that demanded even more driving. I didn't even know if I'd make it home tonight. So my day was going from bad to worse. And that's when it happened... The stars aligned and a simple act of kindness started a whole cascade of little miracles that turned everything around. No, I didn't win the lottery or have an agent contact me out of the blue to offer me representation or anything so grandiose, and totally unbelievable, as that. But it was one little thing after another and another that slowly, but surely, turned my tension-filled day of worry into me finally parking my rump down here in front of this laptop to say, "Thank you." Things just lined up so perfectly for me this afternoon that I felt completely protected. I really felt like someone was telling me, "Hey. Calm down. It's all been worked out. You just have to take this step. And once that's done, take this next step. And when that's done, take another and another and another - and then you'll be done and everything will be okay." Tobin says it was like that with him when he first realized what was going on, but I've never been real big on the unseen. I mean, I've always been more like the whole "prove it" crowd, needing visuals and pie charts and graphs in a 500 page report complete with pictures, videos and excel spreadsheets. So this whole faith thing didn't come naturally to me. And it's not what you think. LOL! Anyone who reads my story will know that. But today people were kind to me.... and I truly appreciate it. It was unexpected, but appreciated. And I just wanted to share that with whomever chooses to read this post because I know what it's like to think that there's no more kindness left in this world. It's there. You just have to believe. And if you've read all the way to this point, I wish even more kindness and good things to be visited upon you and I would love to hear from you - your thoughts or experiences with random or unexpected acts of kindness that changed your day. After all, happiness breeds happiness. Thanks and I hope you have a great rest of your week. Until next time... Teagan Hi there. I hope you’re doing well. I know it’s been a while, but life happens. I’m feeling a bit better about my decision to release the first book of the series, as well as to NOT release the other books yet. But I do have something to confess. More and more as the days, weeks, and months pass, I get the feeling the world isn’t ready for this.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m still putting the whole series out there. I have to. It’s just, the more I see and hear, the more I believe people aren’t ready. Of course, no one will even know what I’m talking about until sometime in book five… book three might give them pause and make them think about some things, but book five is when they’re gonna really start examining what they’ve read – and how it impacts them personally. That’s when the anger will come. There’s nothing I can do about that. People will experience the story in whatever way they’re able. Some are more advanced than others and that will play a major role in how the story affects them. As Tobin says, “This is how it must be.” Whether you’re a scholar or just your average Joe/Joan, there’s one thing I know for certain: if you read this story – the entire story – your life will be changed. It sounds insane, but I’ve seen it happen. Not only has my own life changed because of it, but those who know the full story have changed because of it. Not everyone has experienced positive changes, but again… some people are simply more advanced than others – mentally and spiritually-speaking, I mean. Either way, we’re all out here fumbling around in the dark trying to figure out this thing we’ve come to know as life. Whether you’re pretty confident in your idea of who and what you are, why you’re here, how and why all this came to be, and what’s going to happen next, or you have absolutely no clue about any of it and you’re just doing your best to hang on and keep your head above water… isn’t there the slightest chance – even just a little – that someone like me might have an idea you’ve never heard? A little about me: I figure I’m one of the dumbest smart people in the whole world, if I’m being honest. Computers stymie me. I don’t get social media. I prefer face-to-face conversations. I like hanging out with a big group of friends who accept me as who and what I am and who’ll listen to my whacked-out ideas about the world without judging me – at least, not too harshly. In my first go-round in college, I majored in foreign languages. In my second, neuroscience. I’m shy around strangers, but very open and happy and an A-type personality around people I know. Most of all, I crave contact with others. I am a very social being, but it’s the feel of others I crave. I don’t mean touching others physically so much as I mean feeling them – their presence. Does that make sense? But it seems to me that the whole world has forgotten that part of life, or that it’s actively working on forgetting it. That’s one of the reasons I don’t think people are ready for this story. I hope I’m wrong, because I have to put the story out there. I don’t have a choice. Believe me, I’ve tried not to and it ripped my world apart and nearly killed me. It takes her a while, folks, but eventually she learns. So out the story goes to the world. I don’t know how many – if any – people will choose to read it. And I really don’t know how many – and again, if any – will choose to take the full journey by reading it all the way through to the end of book seven, but the powers that be have decided the story is to be given to the world. Who am I to deny them / it whatever? If what you’ve read herein has intrigued you – even in the slightest way – I hope you’ll take a chance on this unknown author and start what I guarantee will be one of the most interesting journeys – if not the most self-defining journey – of your life. The paperback and ebook can be found on Amazon.com at this link: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_16?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=awakening+by+teagan+brody&sprefix=awakening+by+tea%2Caps%2C164&crid=Y1GQ7M944QN8. The ebook can also be found on Barnes and Nobles’ website at this link: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/awakening-teagan-brody/1125546156?ean=2940157526245. I’m working on getting both versions onto other sites so it becomes more widely available. But like I said earlier, computers stymie me and it takes me forever to figure out what to others seems very simple in the e-world. Forgive me my ignorance, please. And, with that, I bid you adieu. Thanks in advance for your support and I wish you the best day / night ever. Teagan Hi there. Hope you’re doing well today. Me? I’m wondering what the heck is happening. I mean, the world’s gone crazy. The Cubs win the World Series, Trump’s elected president, it’s a Federer-Nadal final at the Australian Open and the Falcons are in the Super Bowl! Is the world coming to an end or what? Whether you like what’s happening or not, you’ve got to admit things are getting pretty strange. I, myself, have definitely had a Monday and this one was bound and determined to make up for any and every single Monday I ever missed! It fit with everything that’s been going on in the world. It even started out just plain wrong. You know what that kind of day is like? You wake up and there’s just something wrong. You can’t put your finger on it, but you know something is just not right. Then you start your day and everything goes wrong. And I mean everything! That was my day. I still don’t know what it was. But every single thing I did was wrong. I mean, I love my job and everyone I work with. But I couldn’t lick a stamp the right way today. It’s calmed down now that I’m home and doing nothing – of course. You ever have one of those days? If not, what planet are you from?! Days like today used to really get to me. But now, the main thing (other than my family) that keeps me going on days like today is the idea that I chose to come here. I chose this life and I’m still here. So there must be something I was wanting to experience or do or see that I haven’t yet. What do you mean what do I mean “I chose this life”? Well, think about the idea. Does it make you fearful that maybe you did this to yourself and you have no one else to blame? Does it make you feel you’ve grown too conceited to think that all the wonderful things in your life could be because of something you chose – that you actually did something good in life? By the way, if you read the story Tobin and I created, The Enlightenment Series, you’ll get the full idea – along with more explanations than you can ever imagine for all the greatest mysteries in the Universe. Of course, you’ll have to read all the way through to the end of the last book of the series to get the full scope of answers. And just by happenstance, the first book of the series, AWAKENING, is available online. On Amazon.com, you can access and purchase it as an ebook or soft cover physical book (and yes, they still make those) through this link: https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_1_16?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=awakening+by+teagan+brody&sprefix=awakening+by+tea%2Caps%2C162&crid=1KTYN1WVT099K. (Sorry if I've done this wrong and you have to copy and paste. You know me - the old e-tarded one.) On Barnes and Noble, you can access and purchase the Nook Book through this link: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/awakening-teagan-brody/1125546156?ean=2940157526245. I’m hoping to have the physical book available on Barnes and Noble’s website no later than early next week. I’ve just got to get through this week, first. It’s fighting me though, so I’m not promising anything. I will tell you I’ve been prepping Book Two for its scheduled release in early June of this year. I’m excited about that and I hope you will be, too! I know Tobin is. He’s doing well. He was so funny. The last blog entry he made, he did without me there. Instead, he had another of his friends help him. I think the power he felt at being able to "speak" to the world on his own like that gave him quite a thrill. I think that’s good for him. He is, after all, part human. I think it’s high time he took part in human society. Why not? After all, it’s partially his story and he should experience the thrill of having others comment on the ideas and scenes he helped me create within the story. So my request to the people of planet Earth is simple: Read the story – the whole series. Discover what this simple half-human has to say about our world and the Universe itself. Maybe you’ll learn something about life you never knew? Maybe you’ll learn something about yourself? Either way, you’ll surely be entertained. Why not take a chance? Tobin and I hope you will and that you’ll send us your comments and / or questions. We would love to hear from everyone. Thanks, Teagan Truly amazing. I have been away for a while and I return to discover this available. Teagan has outlined the bare bones of this story and now anyone can access it. What they will think when they read about the different species that have been here for millennia, I can only imagine. But the fact that the information is finally out in the open for everyone to see makes me glad to be alive.
I have recently discovered a television program that reminds me of the story Teagan has created. Wars between families, mythical beasts, strange lands and even stranger explanations for the things no one can explain... these are the common threads I can see between that program and this new story. I am honored to have had a hand in its creation and I hope the common man gives it a chance. Teagan is very pleased with the cover art of the book. It perfectly aligns with what Sarah sees whenever she passes through a rift. I wonder if everyone sees the same thing during their rift crossing or even if it will be mentioned again in the series? Ah. I have said too much. Teagan has graciously allowed me access to the site to make this entry myself, which means she will see this entry for the first time when the public does. I hope the information entered herein does not upset her to the point that she makes this my last entry. Only time will tell, I suppose. The person typing the entry for me has reminded me of the time and I fear I must go. There are so many things I would like to discuss about this first book. But I cannot until the public brings the questions out into the open. Once people read this first part of the story, there will be much to discuss and then I shall be glad to engage in conversation. As always, I thank those who read this and I look forward to reading your questions and comments. Tobin Well, it’s been a long journey, but it’s been worth it. The first book of the Enlightenment series is now available on Amazon.com and I hope everyone takes a chance on this unknown author. The link to the book is here:
https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=awakening+by+teagan+brody. If you’ve ever wondered how man came to be on planet Earth, how the Universe was formed, if there were others here before us, then this is the series for you. Spanning from just before the big bang all the way up to just a few years from now, the Enlightenment series answers most of life’s biggest questions by revealing and tying things from our world and our past to our most revered religious texts. This series may upset and anger some individuals. But how can one claim to believe until such belief is tested? However, I encourage readers to reserve judgement until the last book of the series, Book Seven, is read. Only then will you have the whole story. Only then will you understand. Thank you to those who have supported me throughout this journey. Those who have even contributed can expect a call or email from me with info as to when your signed copy will be delivered or available. I look forward to hearing from and meeting everyone else who reads the book. I believe you’ll enjoy starting this ride toward Enlightenment! Thanks, Teagan Argh! My inability to function with the outdated equipment I own, along with my e-tarded self, means this is going painstakingly slow. I'm referring to me getting the book out in paperback and in eBook format. All I can say is, "I'm working on it!"
AuthorTeagan Brody is author of Sci-fi/Fantasy novels. Her writing helps guide the people of Earth toward a better future. Her most common expression is, "What would Thomas Shelby do?" Archives
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